Hi, everyone! Recently I got my greedy paws on my first three artbooks, and what gorgeous specimens they are! I decided to make a mini blog post share a brief overview of each book and links to where you can get them.
Inside: Collective Artbook #2
This is an artbook featuring the work of ELK64 and Megu (I bought the book for ELK's work, so that's what I'll focus on). I first found ELK64 or
Jade Mosch on DeviantArt. Her media is digital art, but her finished pieces look like luscious watercolours. I don't know how she does it, but every piece has this luminous, translucent quality. This artbook has many beautiful full or double page of her work, and caption-like descriptions in both English and french. It's not really a tutorial or technique book, more a collection of artwork and explanations. Here are some of my favourite pages:
As you can see, it is distilled inspiration :)
You can buy this artbook on Storenvy
ELK64's links:
Pop Painting: Inspiration and Techniques from Camilla d'Errico:

Camilla d'Errico is one of my biggest inspirations. She is one of the first people I found that made me realise the kind of art that I love to do is actually loved by others as well. I was often told that my work needed to be dark or tormented, or just to depict a landscape or nature scene to be 'real art.' When I saw Camilla's work and felt the soft feelings of happiness that her beautiful girls and animals created, I realised that these sweet, gentle and colourful things can resonate just as much as anything dark or depressing. I didn't have to change what I love in order to connect with others. This book is everything I could have hoped for from a Camilla artbook. She goes above and beyond to talk about tools and what goes on behind the beautiful art, shares techniques as well as tips that she's learnt along the way and even has a whole section featuring step-by-step paintings. I love the way Camilla speaks through the book; her tone is encouraging and kind and she has a cute little mascot helper who chimes in every few pages :)

I can't say enough good things about this book. I can't wait to read it cover to cover. It is not only inspiring but very useful as well!
You can buy this artbook on Camilla's Website
HERE or on Amazon
Camilla's Links:
The Art of Loish: A Look Behind the Scenes:
I won't go into much detail about this book as it has been reviewed up and down all across the art lovers community, and there are many video reviews on YT as well which give you a much better view of what the book is like :) A lot of people supported the Kickstarter that funded it, but I only found out about Loish Barle and her beautiful art after that campaign had ended. Thankfully, her artbook is still available. It features her signature gorgeous digital art as well as techniques, help for sketching and palette creation, process and a step-by-step tutorial.
I got all three books at around the same time but this was the first and it was almost overwhelming to get such a work of art as my first ever artbook. Although Loish works in digital art, the way she paints transcends media. My cat Chloe is just as taken with it as I am.
I have since ordered goodies from Loish off of Society6 because what is self-control.
You can get Loish's artbook on Amazon
HERE or on 3D Total
Loish's Links:
As I said, these are my first artbooks and have quickly found that there is really nothing like them.
Okami Approved :)
Pop Painting: Inspiration & Painting Techniques from Camilla d'Errico - See more at: http://camilladerrico.bigcartel.com/product/pop-painting-inspiration-techniques-from-camilla-d-errico#sthash.bSzMw8zX.dpuf
Pop Painting: Inspiration & Painting Techniques from Camilla d'Errico - See more at: http://camilladerrico.bigcartel.com/product/pop-painting-inspiration-techniques-from-camilla-d-errico#sthash.bSzMw8zX.dpuf
Pop Painting: Inspiration & Painting Techniques from Camilla d'Errico - See more at: http://camilladerrico.bigcartel.com/product/pop-painting-inspiration-techniques-from-camilla-d-errico#sthash.bSzMw8zX.dpuf